Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A few notes

Please study the course map found here:


I'll be marking the course this week with spray paint at all the intersections, but please get familiar with the course. For the most part, you'll be on your own in a city you're not used to running in. During the run, if in doubt, stay on the greenway. If you get confused, back up a little bit and look on the ground for red arrows.

I'll give you a few cell phone numbers Saturday morning for you to have with you during the run. One will be mine, and I'll have my phone with me. One will be my dad's and he'll be on the course in a few places and will be able to pick up anyone who can't (doesn't want to) finish. One will be the Police Department, you know, just in case.

Remember, we start at 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning.

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